
Max Pascal is international Authorized level 2 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher in the tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Start Advance A student, assistant of Sharath and
a world traveler.
Max has been practicing yoga for many years. Start from 2003 in Poland where lerned hatha yoga class from first teacher Lilianna Piotrowska. In 2005 get blessing to teach yoga and start own yoga class in Wroclaw. Then continue practice and teaching class. 2007 met Basia Lipska who introduce Max to traditional ashtanga yoga system. From this time Max teach only Parampara ashtanga. 2010 next teacher Manju Jois was great motivation to visit Mysore Center of Pattabhi Jois. First trip to India was in 2011when Max continue practicing yoga with Sharath since 2011 during every yoga season.
In 2013 Sharath gave Max his blessing to teach Parampara Ashtanga Yoga and, since then, he has been travelling the world and teaching.
In 2015 Max get green light to start Advance A series and Sharath blessing to teach
full intermediate series.
Among the places Max has taught are Norway, Poland, Egypt, China, Switzerland, Nedherland , Indonesia, South Africa, Germany, Bulgaria and Italy.
He travel still and continue teaching of ashtanga yoga in other yoga schools and share tradition Parampara of KPJAYI.
More about Max Pascal visit :
Max Bio
2020-Cagliari Italy mysore class at AYC
2019-2020-India practice at SYC (KPJAYI)
2019-regular class teaching AYC - Cagliari
2019-Yoga Retreat Antoniow vol9.
2019-mysore class with Gabriele Severini - Alghero
2019-teaching again in Cagliari
2019-mysore class with Kranti in Prague
2019-practice with Devid Robson Warszawa
2019-workshops in Poland Wroclaw/Krakow
2019-Regular class & workshop at AYJ - South Africa Joburg
2019-workshop&mysore class at Santosha Yoga Cologne
2019-Cagliari Italy AYC
2018-back to India KPJAYI
2018-Bangkok Thailand - practice with Boonchu Tanti
2018-back to Cagliari
2018-Yoga Retreat Antoniow
2018-AY workshop Wroclaw Poland
2018-Cagliari Italy
2018-Regular class Zgengdzou China
2018-Mysore programme Mexico Puebla
2017-back to India KPJAYI
2017-mysore programme Italy Sardinia
2017-Yoga Retreat Antoniow Poland
2017-workshop & mysore class at Namaste Shala San Jose Costa Rica
2017-mysore programe at Yoga House Cagliari Sardinia
2017-workshop & mysore class at Santosha Shala Cologne Germany
2017-workshop at Yogame Shala Prague CzechRepublic
2017-mysore programe at Mysore Yoga Johannesburg South Africa
2017-Vedic class with Vigneshwar Bhat Mysore India
2016/17-Mysore practice,assist to Sharath in KPJAYI India
2016 - Mysore program at The Yoga House in Quartucciu Sadregna
2016 - Yoga retreat - YogaShala White House Poland
2016 - Workshop & mysore program at STREFA Bydgoszcz Poland
2016 - Weekend workshop & mysore program at Ashtanga Wroclaw Poland
2016 - Workshop & mysore program at Santosha Shala in Koeln Germany
2016 - Weekend workshop at Ashtanga Yoga Berlin
2016- Workshop at Durban Yoga Shala in Durban South Africa
2016 - Mysore program & workshop in Mysore Yoga Joburg South Africa
2016 - Blessing from Sharath authorized level 2 full intermediate
2015 - Next practice and assist to Sharath in KPJAYI, http://kpjayi.org
2015 - mysore program & workshoo in Quartucciu, Sardegna
2015 - ashtanga retreat Antoniow Poland
2015 - mysore program in Jakarta Indonesia
2015 - mysore program & workshop in Mysore Yoga Joburg South Africa
2014/15-Mysore practice, assist to Sharath in KPJAYI India
2014-mysore&led class in DayaYoga Switzerland
2014-Ashtanga workshop intensive Scuola Yoga Quartucciu, Sardegna
2014-mysore program in the Hague Nederland ashtangadenhaag
2014-Yoga retreat - YogaShala White House Poland
2014-Ashtanga workshop in Namaste Yoga Poznan
2014-Mysore class teaching in Abhaya Joga Wroclaw
2013/14-Mysore practice, assist to Sharath in KPJAYI India
2013 - mysore program teaching in Fineyoga Beijing China
2013 - Yoga retreat - Antoniow Poland
2013 - workshop in Friendsyoga Poznan
2013 - mysore program teaching in Pureyoga Wroclaw
2013 - Authorization Level 1 - blessing to teach KPJAYI 6.03.13
2012/13 - Mysore practice with Sharath in KPJAYI India
2012 - Mysore class - Dahab Egypt
2012 - Yoga retreat - White House Poland
2012 - Yoga Workshops in Cracow , Kępno
2012 - Mysore class teaching in Pureyoga Wroclaw
2011/12 - Student in KPJAYI , http://kpjayi.org/ ,regular practice with R.Sharath
2011 - Yoga retreat - YogaShala White House Poland
2010 - A.Y teacher trainig with Manju Jois Berlin
2009 - Practice A.Y with B.Lipska Oslo and open YogaShala http://yogashala.pl/
2008 - Home practice and travels
2007 - A.Y teacher trainig with Basia Lipska
2006 - Yoga retreat - Jodłów Poland
2005 - yoga certyficate - CTN L.Piotrowska and open first yoga school "jogin"
2004 - Yoga retreat - L.Piotrowska
2003 - Yoga practice with Lilianna Piotrowska
2001 - First step , Louise L. Hay books
Guru brahma guru vishnu guru devo maheshvaraha
Guru sakshat parambrahma tasmai sri gurave namaha

I dedicate my practice to Guruji S.K.Pattabhi Jois and to my teacher R.Sharath Jois.
Max Pascal