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We are so happy to invite you to an amazing experience to the Source of Yoga in India.

It will be very special full 10 days YOGA RETREAT with traditional ashtanga yoga mysore practice

and vedic classes and rituals.

Max Pascal will teach Ashtanga Yoga mysore class, workshops, lectures in assist of Erika Pinna. 

Vedic mantras, meditation, pooja, philosophy and rituals will be offering by Dr.Vigneshwar Bhat. 
Full program of Retreat is designed for all levels practicioners.

Welcome students from primary series till Advance A.

Everyone can join to that program for start or deepening own yoga practice. 

During that 10 days of retreat we will take two trips to spiritual places nearby.

Yoga classes will be adjusted individually to every practitioner as in the tradition of Sri K.

Pattabhi Jois ashtanga yoga method.

It will be great opportunity to have class with experience teachers with many years of practice

and teaching yoga, and also that time will be great as preparation your practice

before new season start with Sharathji in Mysore. 

Don`t miss your spot and join us. 


The center that hosts us is called Rushikulam, a brand new venue for Vedic studies, Sanskrit, mantra chanting and poojas (antient ceremonies). It is located in Yellapur, south-east part of India.

This place is dedicated specially for yoga retreats and education. 



Rushikulam International Centre for Indic studies and research,

Mahilamandal road, 581359 Yellapur

Karnataka India

Yellapur is accessible via bus and train from all major cities.

For those arriving by air, the center is a 3 hours journey

from Goa International Airport and 1 hour from Hubli Airport.








- mysore class

- led class

- conference

- workshops (vinyasa and sanskrit counting method)

- philosophy of yoga

- pranayama

- mantra (chanting)

- extra meditation 

- satsang

- puja


Full timing schedule we will send to you after we confirm your deposit.


Last minute 950 EUR

Deposit: 300 EUR

Payment of deposit is mandatory for all students to keep your reservation.

Deposit are not refund!!!

-accommodation (3-4 beds per apartment, with private bathroom)
-all meals – pure sattvic vegetarian ( breakfast,lunch,dinner)
-morning and evening yoga classes  - Max & Erika

- workshops - Max & Erika

- ashtanga yoga lectures - Max & Erika
-daily mantra chanting - Vigneshwar
-daily pooja (antient ceremony) - Vigneshwar

-yoga philosophie - Vigneshwar 
-fire ceremony - Vigneshwar
-two excursions to spiritual locations nearby

-trip to Gokarna beach


-Airfare (flight tickets)
-Visa ( )

-transfer from and to the nearby Airports

(you can order taxi from the Retreat Centre)


Registration is open until October 31st or till last free spot.

To reserv your place send email on : (english, polish)

 - (italian , english).

In our reply we will send you Bank address to send deposit 300 euro

for make reservation your spot.

The second part of payment you will pay on same bank or

direct at The Rushikulam Centre.

Deposit are not refund!!!


- where are you from

- how long you practice yoga or your last asana you do

- who is your teacher

- what is your occupation for now 


Dr.Vigneshwar Bhat

Born and raised in humble surroundings, Vighneshwar hails from a small town of Baginakatta, from Yelapur district in the state of Karnataka. From the beginning he had an immense passion of learning scriptures, not to learn them, so he can land a good job, but to understand what are the reasons that the Rishis of old lure, expounded and meditated on the way of Life that they designed and propagated to Live. Reasoning was his imperative for him before he can accept the teachings or recommendation of the age old Rishis.This reasoning mind made him to take up “Mimansa Shastra” or sciene of Analysis, so he can fulfil his quest in getting clarity of underlying thoughts of the Rishis. Dharmashastra was his love and mimansa shastra developed his skills in reasoning and hence was able to get to the subtleties of Dharmashastras.Dharmashastras is not mere rules for does and Donts, there is more to it, says Vighneshwar. That helped him to get deeper into the principles of life and it has helped him guide people at a very young age.While medals are certificates are not necessarily representation of ones knowledge, in this case it its true and time and again, whenever Vighneshwar has taken part in debates, he has emerged as a Gold Medalist, Silver medalist at state and National levels of competition. So there is no doubt we are looking at one of the country’s finest scholar in this subject of Mimansa and Dharmashastra.
While there are scores of people who have been beniffited from his teachings, Vighneshwar demeanor is verily very pleasing and it only proves, knowledge and humility goes hand in hand. A perfect example of “Vidya Vinayen Shobhate”.
Vighneshwars passion is to bring this great knowledge to people from all walks of life, to make it practical and approachable which is the very nature of this knowledge, but because it has been not expressed by people in a simple way it comes across as outdated and definitely something that is not practical. Vighneshwar vehemently opposes that view and brings these old principles which are eternal to everyday life. It is his experience, that when one follows these principles by understanding them, once leads a harmonious life, which means one has a great physical, emotional and spiritual life, the core layers of ones personal life. He integrates them and helps you understand why they are integrated, as a deep understanding only can bring about a transformation, he believes.Life is best when it is lived in accordance to nature, to understand those complex nature, the age old Rishis wrote down their discoveries. Dharmashastra is age old rishis Research journal/ findings, it only helps us, when one understands them and applies them in principle. As when one understands the spirit behind the form, the true Living of the principle happens, instead of burden that one feels of getting under these laws to follow. Vigneshwar with his clarity, helps us get closer to the understanding of the eternal values, which helps us life become whollistic, in other words natural. Natural life is effortless, stress and strain become things of past, Life only blooms when its natural. Laws only govern things to be natural and Vighneshwar helps us to get there.


Max Pascal

International authorized KPJAYI/SYC level 2 teacher by Guruji Sharath Jois.

Director of MaxYoga - Ashtanga Yoga Education Retreats & Workshops programe.

Co-founder of AYC Ashtanga Yoga Cagliari.

Advance B practitioner (last season got green light to practicing 4th series),

Sharath Jois assistant and world traveler with over 20 years of yoga teaching and practice.

Max teaches yoga since 2004 after he got permission to teach from his first teacher

Lilianna Piotrowska in Poland.

He continues traditional Parampara school of mysore, led class chanting & conference with

his Guru Sharath Jois since 2011.

From that time he is visiting KPJAYI/SYC every year to understand and lern more about yoga.

In 2013 Sharathji gave Max his blessing to teach Ashtanga Yoga lev.1 and in 2016 another one full lev. 2 . During his 12th visit in India Max also study Sanskrit and Vedic knowledge with Prof Jayasree and Vigneshwar Bhat.

Max is continue traveling and teaching yoga around the world sharing that beautiful method and

his own experience. As he always tell to students , there is nothing better then sharing

practical experience of any aspects of life.


More about Max :

IG - maxpascalyoga 

Youtube - @maxpascalyoga

Erika Pinna

International authorized SYC level 2 teacher by Guruji Sharath Jois.

Co-founder of AYC Ashtanga Yoga Cagliari.

Full Intermediate practitioner and Sharathji assistant.

Erika is practicing ashtanga yoga more then 10 years, regulary visiting SYC in Mysore.

She also traveling with Max to many countrys with workshops program where she is sharing

practical experience of yoga.


More about Erika:

IG - ninnibuz


Please take your yoga mat with you and a light blanket which you’ll need while laying in relax.

At home you should leave all your daily matters, works, and obligations, so that you could embark on the Rushikulam centre with a smile and positive attitude.


Due to a big interest of participants, we decided to implement written regulations to be taken into consideration during yoga class. The participants are kindly requested to abide by them.


  1. In the Rushikulam Centre and its vicinity we do not smoke or drink alcohol.

  2. Due to fire safety reasons we do not use candles and incense in the rooms.

  3. Students are obliged to adjust to the regulations as stated by the teacher.

  4. All program alterations, suggestions of program alterations and of meals will be considered only after reporting them to the teacher.

  5. Please show up on time (in the morning) or adequately earlier for the afternoon and additional classes.

  6. Keep in mind that the retreat is a very special time for every one of us, please be kind and friendly to each other.

  7. All remarks and pieces of advice are welcome. Please express them kindly in a private conversation, but not as demands.

  8. Teacher at the retreat are ready to help you, feel free to ask them if you have any questions or need help.

  9. During the retreat the students do not teach or instruct others but focus on their own practice.

  10. Please report all the health problems already while registering upon your arrival.

  11. The programme has been prepared specifically for yoga practice, this applies also to the meals.

Any questions concerning the retreat shall also be sent to this address :


Let`s make together beautiful ashtangi community in Yellapur.


See you in India



Dr.Vigneshwar Bhat



Max Pascal

Erika Pinna

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Ashtanga Yoga Cagliari & Max Yoga is the only one and first authorized yoga shala in Cagliari Sardinia.

We are offering traditional yoga program mysore, led classes and philosophy in the tradition of Guruji Sharath Jois , SYC Sharath Yoga Center. 

Max Pascal & Erika Pinna

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2004 - 2024 © Ashtanga Yoga Cagliari & Max Yoga --- Via Chiara Lubich, 32 - Cagliari Italy 

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